World Peace
For Life
World Peace
World Peace


Special Benefit World Peace Events
Saturday, March 05, 2016
For the first time in history, a benefit world peace event through music will be held through World Peace. As its goal is to eliminate war and establish conciliation for everyone across the globe, it is an open declaration of peace. World Peace is the first to start a peace initiative. Its purpose is to bring the different races and cultures together as it unites the world through music and inspiration. It intends to bring enlightened leadership, education, as well as human values which are universal.
The ultimate objective is to bring peace to the world. This event is similar to the most valuable event Live 8 concerts and also to the recent one which was Live Earth. Special Benefit World Peace Events aim to touch more people and to be a key component in uniting people from all across the globe: bringing the Eastern world to the West, and the Western world to the East. We are expecting 4-5 billion viewers, listeners and readers across the globe and this will be transmitted through the media of television, radio, newspapers, and magazines, as well as the Internet and the mobiles. We are bringing together the top people, the best of the best. Indeed, the governors, the diplomats, recording artists, and actors are all being united together for this event. It is our hope that everyone gets involved: from the ambassadors and leaders of the nations to the everyday citizens. We also want the rulers of the nations to participle in this event since we want them to show us the leadership we need. It is through this event that we want to send the message that if we unite we can make this world a better place and also a more livable environment for our children. In this event we hope that through the medium of music, the best of best can come together face to face and hold hands together in the spirit of unity and felicity. The call to bring peace aims every part of government, all religions, as well as our schools and universities. As says Prince Ali, we must accept our religious differences and learn to love one another. No matter if you are Atheist, Buddhist, Christian, Jewish or Muslim; we must respect each other while living together under the banner of peace. Love between one another is unconditional. Thus, our main goal from this event is to truly bring awareness and to open our eyes in order to understand that we must learn to live with one another and get rid of the wars and other elements that are plaguing our world day to day. Not only do we want this event to be successful, but we also want more to come.
This is only the beginning. We must struggle together on the road of hardship for us to reach our final goal. The dichotomy we experience in the world now is quite evident. In the Third World countries we find ten year old kids working long days to provide for their families instead of getting an education, while on the other side of the planet, kids are more at ease. We want the people of the world to become more conscious of this fact, to reevaluate what we take for granted, and to realize how it is important that we take the blessings we have received from God to help the less privileged to reach their dreams. We as human beings are roving nomads in the desert of existence. It is important that we recognize our purpose in life. We need to understand that it is crucial to coexist together under the vast umbrella of peace. United we are strong but divided we fall apart. This benefit World Peace for life is an initiative to gather the people from the Eastern world and the Western world since we are one global community. It is important to make this project a success. Although outward differences may be there it is our goal to unite all of us under one banner of humanity. It is the objective of these World Peace events to promote peace and understanding through music.
This is the first time ever concert of its nature. Many great musical artists, national leaders, politicians, actors, and esteemed guests will be performing at this special World Peace event. It will bring together the hearts of all the different people together to celebrate our brotherhood and sisterhood on mother earth and unite together peacefully and harmoniously. We should try to achieve this truly from the love from our heart and be sincere in bringing a positive change. For once in our life we must do something good for humanity while God is watching us.